Gypsy Creams


Woman's Weekly / 16th April 1965

I’m sure regular readers can guess my problems with this ad, especially the idea that you’d put up with replacing one of your meals with Trimetts biscuits and milk on a long-term basis. Maybe the idea was that the horrible flavours they sold the biscuits in was enough to put you off food for the rest of the day.

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Matty on 13 November 2011 @ 7pm

Lemon with chocolate?

Tanya Jones on 13 November 2011 @ 8pm

Exactly. Blegh.

Bec on 15 November 2011 @ 2pm

Oh man, that sounds awful. Though the idea of unlimited cheese does appeal ;) I bet by the tenth Trimmett you never want to eat one again.

Jam Shambles on 16 November 2011 @ 2am

Four biscuits and a glass of milk three times a day and nothing else? Sounds DELIGHTFUL! As delightful as the trips to the loo would no doubt be. :oS

Orange flavour biscuits… that brings back a childhood memory of some artificial tasting orange cream biscuits, similar to custard creams. I loved them, but then I was a child can’t imagine having to eat something like that, and only that, 3 times a day would be much fun as an adult!

Jam Shambles on 16 November 2011 @ 3am

Interesting things wot I found when Gwaggling “Trimetts”:

Pic of the delicious sounding Lemon with chocolate flavour Trimetts: YUM! :oP

This EP: which appears to be by the makers of Trimetts. The fold out exercises are an interesting selection – some look like you could injure yourself and others look like they’d be completely ineffective.

Tanya Jones on 16 November 2011 @ 9pm

Ooh, both those links are beautiful! Thanks!

Jam Shambles on 19 November 2011 @ 12am

No probs!

Charlie Albright on 12 December 2011 @ 11pm

I had the opportunity to thumb through some old 1960s mags the other day
(I was at the dentist LOL…no not really).
I could not find any of the gems you come up with at all- BUT there seemed to be a persistent theme in the ads I did find and that was ‘constipation’. There was a constant stream of pictures of relieved middle aged faces after trying Wonderbran (or whatever it was.)

Was Trimmetts one of the catalysts to this condition, maybe?

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