Gypsy Creams

The Milk Diet?

Woman's Weekly / 9th April 1965

In fact, I don’t envy her figure, mainly because she looks like a smug 13 year old, and that’s not my style. I found it curious that this is called a Milk Diet, because it doesn’t have an awful lot to do with milk at all, apart from it being the one comfort that you’re allowed during this week of misery. The milk is obviously there to replace the fat and calcium that you wouldn’t have otherwise, and although I think it’s likely that you would lose weight on this diet, it’s hardly a sensible long-term eating plan. Quite what they expected you to do after the week was up, I’m not sure: feel smug for a week and then realise you’d put it all back on?

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Jamie on 26 July 2011 @ 1pm

I would think what you’ll do once the week is up is enjoy not suffering from constant flatulence — and worse. Sprouts, cabbage, grilled liver, prunes and enough stewed fruit to open a sewage farm… you’d want the glasses of milk just to have some peace in the powder room.

Brain Tree on 26 July 2011 @ 4pm

WHAT is clear soup? Is it a bowl of water?

Jam Shambles on 2 August 2011 @ 1am

Clear soup is usually a stock, broth or similar, it’s a soup that hasn’t been thickened. I think OXO cube (as a drink) would be classed as a clear soup.

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